First Two Hot Air Balloons

We will be working on the rainbow striped hot air balloon and the green partial stripe hot air balloon (or whatever colors you chose for them). Templates are here for the rainbow and here for the green. Remember to download the templates to your computer before printing, print on 7x11" paper, and make sure it's set to actual size. When you measure it, the pieces should measure 10.5" wide by 14.5" tall. Note: This is my method of paper piecing, if you prefer a different method, please use that instead. For the Rainbow Stripe Balloon you will need: 2 small triangles of background fabric (I started with roughly 4" squares and cut on the diagonal, but if you have the fabric, bigger is even better, this works great with solids and non-directional prints. This will not work for directional prints, you'll have to cut those roughly to size as you go.) 2 larger triangles of background fabric (I started with roughly 7" by 8" pieces and then cut them on...